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Community-Funded Programs

Oakland Unified School District provides standard curriculum and special education services to students at Joaquin Miller. Due to funding limitations, several enrichment programs at Joaquin Miller are funded by the Joaquin Miller Parent Teacher Association (JM PTA).

Through fundraising and volunteering, we are able to provide our children with the following:

  • Physical Education: Joy and physical fitness are critical to our children, and the extra support allows our classroom teachers extra time to work together and focus on what they are here to do

  • Arts Enrichment: Art is essential to a well-rounded education

  • Library: Our children need access to books and the guidance of a librarian. 

  • Academic tutors: We utilize retired educators who have a deep passion for students who may need more support than their teacher’s instruction. 

  • Field Trips for each classroom: These trips have  included the symphony, museums, and Tilden park.  

  • Essential Classroom supplies: Our children and teachers need more than just the basics

  • Social Learning Support: Adult support for students who are having challenges with big feelings and self-regulation.

You can support these programs directly by donating to this year's Kids Come First Campaign!